Peasedown festival says ‘thank you’ for 12 years of Joy!
Sunday 12th July 2020 Leave your thoughtsOne of Peasedown St John’s most successful community projects has said ‘thank you’ and ‘farewell’ to one of its founders.
Joy Fraser, who has served as the Peasedown Party in the Park Treasurer since its inception in 2008, is standing down after 12 years in post.
Festival Chairman, Nathan Hartley, said:
“We’re extremely grateful to Joy for everything she’s done over the years. She has been a fantastic Treasurer, spokesperson and champion for Peasedown’s biggest annual event.
“Her attention to detail and the astute manner in which she has looked after the finances has helped us to plan, budget and prepare effectively every year, for the last 12 years!
“She will be hugely missed on the committee and we wish her all the best with her future endeavours.“
Joy, who is well known in the community and wider Bath & North East Somerset for her voluntary work, is one of the driving forces behind the creation of the new Hive Community Centre and serves as its Chairperson.
Joy Fraser said: “I’m the kind of person that helps creates projects, supports them in their infancy and hands them over to others to run.
“Peasedown Party in the Park has been different though – I have stayed for 12 years because it has been fun, enjoyable and extremely rewarding!
“Peasedown needs a festival like Party in the Park each year that brings people together, raises money for good causes and celebrates everything we love about our great village.“
Last Saturday afternoon, the Peasedown Party in the Park committee met to formally thank Joy and present her with a colourful bouquet of flowers.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown the festival didn’t take place this summer, but organisers have already started to put plans together for 2021.
To keep up-to-date with festival news visit the organisation’s website www.peasedownpartyinthepark.org.uk and Facebook page: @PeasedownPartyinthePark