
Welcome to Peasedown Party in the Park

Launched in 2009, Party in the Park is now one of the region’s biggest community events with almost 3,000 people attending. Feel free to check out details of what we do each year, and the wide range of initiatives we run in the run up to, and after, each festival. If you’d like to get involved with Party in the Park, or any of our other projects, please contact a member of the festival team.

Saturday 10th June 2023

11.30am – 7pm

Join us on Beacon Field, Peasedown St John (BA2 8SN)
on Saturday 14th June, 11.30am – 7pm,
for 7 and a half hours of live music and entertainment

Stalls and Attractions

Stalls and Attractions

Live Music and Entertainment

Live Music and Entertainment

Thank you to our Party in the Park Festival 2025 sponsors…
St J's Group     

Our partners for the festival are:

Radio Bath Reaper Events

The Committee

In September 2022, Party in the Park officially became a project run by the Peasedown Community Trust. The Trust appointed Gavin Heathcote and veteran local councillor Karen Walker as joint Festival Managers.

Gavin Heathcote

Gavin Heathcote

Festival Manager

Karen Walker

Karen Walker

Festival Manager and Premises License Holder

Benice Hampton

Benice Hampton

Festival Support

Craig Gill

Craig Gill

Web Support

Latest News

Grant Giveaway

Over £15,000 distributed to Peasedown projects…

Peasedown St John’s Party in the Park is held every summer on Beacon Field, and due to it’s success every year thousands of pounds is raised annually. The majority of the money goes towards funding the following year’s event, but the organisers always set aside a small sum of money – the Party in the Park Grant Fund, to reinvest back into the village in the form of small financial grants.