Peasedown community champion Calvin named as 10th Sara Holley Award Winner!
Thursday 22nd October 2020 Leave your thoughtsDespite not holding a Party in the Park festival this year due to the coronavirus pandemic, event organisers have continued with a number of initiatives associated with the event, including the village’s prestigious Sara Holley Community Award.
Last Saturday, committee members made a surprise presentation to this year’s winner.
Set up in 2011 in memory of a life-long resident who passed away, the award this year has been won by a man who has spent the last 10 years serving the community in a variety of ways.
Party in the Park Chairman, Nathan Hartley, said:
“As a volunteer at the Somer Valley Foodbank and a former Parish Councillor, this man is known for his dedication and commitment to village causes.
He is one of the founders of the Snow Warden Scheme and is now involved with the creation of the new Hive Community Centre.
A huge congratulations to Calvin Bird who is the winner of this year’s Award. He is our TENTH Sara Holley Community Award Winner.”
Over the weekend, three members of the festival’s organising team surprised Calvin with his Award where he was found volunteering (what else!) at The Hive Community Centre.
The Sara Holley Community Award is given to an outstanding individual each year that has gone ‘above and beyond’ to serve the community.
Calvin (centre) is pictured with Nathan Hartley, left, plus Gavin Heathcote (Party in the Park Community Engagement Manager) and Karen Walker (Party in the Park Bookings Manager)
For more details about Peasedown Party in the Park visit www.peasedownpartyinthepark.org.uk