Jubilee Party in the Park 2022 Festival Review
Sunday 7th August 2022 Leave your thoughts
Over the Summer, the organisers of this year’s Jubilee Party in the Park Festival (which took place in Peasedown St John on Friday 3rd June) met to review this year’s event.
We do this every year as part of our planning for the following year – looking at what we can change, modify and adapt.
Thank you to everyone who sent in feedback.
Here are the notes from our review meeting:
What went well?
• Turnout was amazing – approx. 2,871 people attended
• Not one incident, on site, that needed the Security Staff or Police.
• The security team were fantastic
• It was a better event than in previous years with a smaller number of stalls.
• The layout was better.
• We received really good feedback from stallholders.
• Use of the green chairs in front of the stage
• The music was fantastic
• The use of the van, before and after the event, from Massey Wilcox
• The weather was good… until 5pm!
• Liaison with Beacon Hall and the Parish Council worked well.
• The volunteer team did a fantastic job
• Outsourcing the stage management to Radio Bath was a fantastic idea and worked well
• The organisation on the day went very well
• The festival’s positive history, going back over 14 years, meant good relationships had already been created with stall holders, entertainers and other partners.
What didn’t go so well?
- Need more portable toilets
- Queues for toilets were too long
- The bins were overflowing
- Volunteers mentioned there was a lack of card payment facilities
- More small change was needed on the gates
- Radio Bath commented that the event could continue until 8pm? However, there was discussion by the committee that an earlier start would be better
- The security team commented – there were guards on all of the gates. More guards were needed
- Can we stop stall holders from moving off the field?
- Disabled parking – some people were unhappy because they could not park near the event There had been some confusion about disabled parking. There was discussion by the committee concerning disabled parking and what could be done better for the next year
Suggestions for next year
(Please note: These are ‘suggestions’ – the organisers will decide in late 2022/ early 2023 whether these ideas are feasible and possible)
- Better signage, ref parking options
- Committee to look at alternative waste management options for next year
- Start the event earlier but not finish later.
- Employ more security staff.
- Hire more portable toilets.
- We need smaller notes in the floats.
- More signage on approach to the event from other villages/towns in key positions such as Orchard way/roundabouts.
- The committee to look at parking options for Blue Badge Holders for next year.
Got any feedback you’d like to share with us?
Got an idea you’d like us to look at for next year’s Festival?If so, send us an email: info@peasedownpartyinthepark.org.uk