Planning begins for Peasedown’s 15th Anniversary Party in the Park Festival
Thursday 16th November 2023 Leave your thoughtsOrganisers in Peasedown St John have now met to start planning next year’s Party in the Park festival in the village, which sees crowds of up to 3,000 people attending.
Next year, 2024, marks the festival’s 15th anniversary!
This past summer’s Party in the Park event was held in June and saw party goers enjoying live music, hot food and entertainment, and a vast array of stalls and attractions.
Due to the support of local businesses, over £3,000 was donated from organisations including St John’s Church, Curo, Truespeed, Bath Audi, Mercedes and Bluebird Care. Their sponsorship contributed towards making sure the event happened.
In return, thousands of pounds were raised, with some of it soon to be given back to the community through the Party in the Park Grant Fund.
The festival’s Bookings Manager and Co-Founder is Cllr Karen Walker, who will be working hard over the next several months to book even more attractions – making Peasedown’s 15th anniversary Party in the Park festival the best yet.
She said: “We’ve been overwhelmed with positive feedback following this year’s festival. All those that came really enjoyed themselves and said they looked forward to the festival every year.
I’d encourage anyone who wants to run a stall to get in touch. Bookings officially open in January and we’re already receiving a lot of interest.
One of our key aims every year is to build community spirit and bring people together. Party in the Park is now the most important event in the local calendar.”
Peasedown Party in the Park is run by the Peasedown Community Trust – a local charity that runs several projects in the village such as the Village Library, the Community Orchard and ‘Dementia Friendly Peasedown’, an initiative that has given dementia awareness training to over 300 residents.
Peasedown Community Trust Chairman, Cllr Gavin Heathcote, added:
“We are pleased to announce that Party in the Park 2024 will be held on Beacon Field on Saturday June 8th from 11.30am – 7pm.
More details will follow in the coming months, but plans already include live
music and entertainment, the Peasedown St John Community Civic Award, the announcement of Party in the Park Grant Giveaway, Peasedown’s fifth annual Dog Show, and much, much more!”
This will be a family event not to be missed.
Anyone who would like to hold a stall or an attraction can contact Cllr Karen Walker by:
• Calling: 07968 401447
• Emailing: karenwalker3434@gmail.com
• Writing to Party in the Park Bookings, 18Wellow Mead, Peasedown St John, Bath, BA2 8SB.
All stall holders will need to pay an up-front fee to secure their pitch. Booking forms will be issued in January.
For more details, and to keep up-to-date with festival news, visit
www.peasedownpartyinthepark.org.uk and follow @peasedown_party on Twitter.